Argentina Now – Munich

Argentina Now – Munich

Fotografien von Adriana Lestido, Marcos López and Marcos Zimmermann 22. September – 23. Oktober 2010 Vernissage: 21. September 2010, 19 Uhr bei CLAIR Argentinien präsentiert sich vom 6.-10. Oktober als Ehrengast auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2010. Im selben Jahr feiert das Land den 200. Jahrestag seiner Unabhängigkeitserklärung. CLAIR nimmt dies zum Anlass, Fotoarbeiten aus Argentinien...
Erich Hartmann – Photography

Erich Hartmann – Photography

ERICH HARTMANN – A Selection of Vintage Photographs at CLAIR, Munich, 3.12.2009 This exhibit is a reunion of old friends: Anna-Patricia Kahn, Ruth Hartmann and the spirit of Erich Hartmann, represented here by his photographs. The story began more than a decade ago over lunch near the Viktualienmarkt in Munich. Whenever, in his travels as...
Raoul Pahin – Paintings

Raoul Pahin – Paintings

Raoul Pahin at CLAIR in oct. 2009 Raoul Pahin, born 1962, lives and works in Paris. exhibitions 2009  CLAIR Galerie, München 2008 Galerie Mondapart, Boulogne Galerie Art Emoi, Paris Galerie Envie d’Art, Paris Salon international d’Art Contemporain de Bourges 2006 Galerie Nicolas Jamault, Paris Sortie «Dénouer les liens», premier album de Marc Citti 2003/06 Collaboration aux...
Francisco Mejía-Guinand – Paintings

Francisco Mejía-Guinand – Paintings

Francisco Mejía-Guinand – Paintings, 07.11.2008 – 10.12.2008 at CLAIR, Munich Francisco Mejia-Guinand, born 1964, is a Colombian abstract painter and arquitect who is not easy to fit into the current scene of non figurative art. He used art concepts to make arquitecture and arquitecture to make his inner art work. Caligraphy I is a series that was...